Foot (C0008, 16 Mar 2019)

P3 cyst characterization using Linear Tomosynthesis

DTS series available on EqueTom DICOM server.


During routine radiological Pre-Purchase Examination of a 10yo Grand-Prix jumper, the presence of a cyst in proximal P3 was discovered.

(Fig. 1 and 2)

Additional DR views were performed to further confirm the presence of a cyst.

(Fig. 3 and 4)

Once the presence of the cyst confirmed, the discussion became whether the cyst was communicating with the coffin joint.

Decision was made to supplement DR with Linear Tomosynthesis and intra-articular radio-opaque contrast agent injection to confirm joint communication. A CT examination was considered, but most CT facilities in the region would require general anesthesia of the horse, which was declined by the seller.

After injection, DR images seem to show that the cyst cavity was no longer visible, suggesting it filled up with agent.

(Fig. 5)

The DT images however, distinctly and unequivocally show the agent-filled cavity.

(Fig. 6)

In this case, the improved image contrast offered by Linear Tomosynthesis helped in unequivocally establishing communication of the cyst cavity with the rest of the coffin joint.

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